Second-Screen App Development and Multi-screen Experiences

With our video experts you get viewers’ loyalty by providing flexibility to enjoy your content on any screen. Moreover, when a viewer leans back to do something else on a second screen, we at Oxagile help you turn this activity into a game changer. Our experience has made us a trusted partner to high-profile players from a wide variety of industries and domains:

  • Creators and producers
  • Channels
  • MVPDs and MSOs
  • Telecoms
  • Conferences
  • Education and training
  • Game streaming
  • Corporate communications

Perfect OTT app experience on any screen 

Excellent UI and UX

  • Creating iconic design that sets your brand apart
  • User-centric analysis and journey mapping
  • A/B and multivariate user behavior testing
  • Easy user onboarding and intuitive navigation
  • Sharp and consistent look-and-feel across devices
  • Stunning animations and effects
  • Intelligent on-the-fly UI customization
  • White-labeling capabilities for easy app rebranding

Fully-featured experiences

  • Data-driven user experience
  • Interactive EPGs
  • Continuous watching across devices
  • Catch-up, start over, and time shift functionality
  • Live-to-VoD and instant replay capabilities
  • Personal favorites and bookmarks
  • Multi-profiles and parental controls
  • Advanced subscription management

End-User Functionality

Content-related information

Let viewers explore actors, characters, teams, players and much more right away, without switching between apps and tabs.


Keep audiences entertained through a wide range of games and polls, and let them take part in what they see on their first screens, be it live streaming or VoD.


Enable viewers to check in to the channel or series they are watching as well as share information and thoughts with friends via social networks, messengers, and email.


Take advantage of best e-commerce practices to help viewers purchase products they see on TV while the show is still airing.


Use viewing behavior analytics and a robust recommendation engine to help viewers discover and buy more content, based on what they liked previously.


Build long-lasting relationships with audiences by encouraging them to interact with content and share interests with other fans, and making them want to come back and watch more.


Provide integration with ad networks and smart inventory management to deliver personalized, TV-synced commercials when viewers divert from their first screens.

Extend Your Video Solution


Make sure that no platform, device, or ad format hampers your ability to build a successful and scalable second-screen environment.

Full Sync

Leverage world-class automatic content recognition (ACR) tools with a wealth of fingerprinting and watermarking options to enable an outstanding UX.


Collect, measure, and analyze data to get a 360° view of how audiences see your first- and second-screen content, brand, commercials, and more.

Make Second Screens Part of Your Strategy

We can help you provide excellent second-screen experiences in combination with other services that are instrumental to high-quality video delivery:

Hire a leading second-screen app development company

Tell us more about your business, and our video experts will reach out to you to discuss your second-screen strategy in more detail.

Let's start talking!