July 28, 2007

Oxagile — the rapidly growing software outsourcing start-up — is proud to announce its 2nd birthday! We are happy to receive the heartiest congratulations from our clients and partners all over the globe.

Closely cooperating with them, we have already acquired an impressive record of successfully outsourced IT projects, among which are the development of complex web system and content distribution management solution for a Canadian Internet TV provider, the creation of a number of custom web applications for USA-based customers — these are just to name a few!

We are specifically thankful to Oxagile developers for the generosity with which they have been providing their expertise and knowledge to often make the impossible solutions possible. Thinking of a project featuring simultaneous usage of — J2EE, Oracle TopLink, Java Web Start, Citrix Metaframe, Swing, Ajax, Web Services — might make soft-hearted programmers shudder. But not Oxagilers!

We would also like to thank all employees for the compassion, integrity, and accountability they showed dealing with clients’ needs and requests. The combination of Oxagilers’ skills and character enabled unprecedented company growth of 191% last year. Together with the expansion, the company also enjoyed a comparatively rare turnover level of about 3%. Putting it simple — guys, we appreciate your loyalty and faith in Oxagile future.

Looking back those 2 years of existence, we see what a significant leap Oxagile has made to stand out on the competitive market of software outsourcing. Moreover, we have earned a remarkable amount of clients respect and confidence. Once again, we thank All of you who contributed to our growth, development and success. Now we are sure that Oxagile has the right to be the winner in the race from one IT frontier to the next.