Who reached out to us?

The client is a major MAM and media logistics company.

What’s the need?

Scaling soccer content monetization, which required Oxagile to transform the content generation process.

5 main anticipated outcomes of the solution


Reduce time costs

Spending less time on viewing and processing highlights

Optimize the workflow

Streamline content generation processes for time-sensitive assets

Eliminate human errors

Reducing the possibility of content editors being mistaken while using the final product

Save money on highlights generation

Cutting the cost of production and monetization activities

Combine delivery models

Making the solution suitable for both VoD and live content

Delivering a state-of-the-art machine learning highlights generator

After two months of work, the team presented a fully working real-time soccer video highlight app, ready to be deployed on the client’s side. The system met all the key requirements and successfully supported the client’s business needs in terms of monetization strategies, engagement opportunities, and cost-to-quality ratio.

Unmatched highlights detection accuracy

  • Intelligent ML-based engine

    How does it work?
    Using ML algorithms, the solution analyzes and decomposes soccer matches to automatically generate a precisely tuned compilation of highlights.

  • Auto-compilation of bright moments

    What does it detect?
    This includes all foul types, red cards, scoreboards, audience reactions, and other replay-worthy moments. It further identifies players based on facial and gear recognition.

What are the key features of the real-time soccer video highlight app?


  • Over 15 types of activities recognized
  • Easily trainable for new activity and/or highlight types
  • Live stream soccer highlights processing with a delay as low as 10 seconds
  • Robust face recognition to speed up person-specific scene search
  • Manually adjustable filters for specific activities and players
  • Intelligent filtering to automatically ignore irrelevant scenes and ads
  • Smart replay detection to accelerate highlights generation
  • Direct upload to YouTube, Vimeo, and other video hosting platforms

Rapidly generating spot-on soccer compilations

Increased fan engagement

Faster footage processing allows producing and publishing multiple compilations during and after the broadcast. As compilations arrive earlier, hardcore fans can stay up to date even with the games happening in parallel.

  • Low-latency content delivery for various occasions to any platform
  • Unlimited creative potential in producing diverse, demand-driven content
  • Player-, championship-, year-, or team-based compilations
real time soccer solution app

Better monetization strategies

The highlight generation platform enables video providers to deliver highly anticipated content in the crucial first hours after the match, when the demand for summary and overview videos is at its peak.

  • Video output compatible with YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.
  • Suitable for processing both VoD and live content
  • Automatically finding the optimal ad insertion spots

Reduced production costs

Using smart replay detection technology, the solution is able to process footage and create highlight compilations up to 3.2 times faster. As soon as the match has ended, all processed highlights become available to the editors for a more in-depth scene categorization.

  • Fully automated content moderation
  • Less manual effort required to produce a compilation
  • The system can be trained to work with other types of soccer highlights

The goals are successfully met


reduction in video processing time


accuracy in identifying scoring moments, fouls


increase in footage processing speed

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real time soccer solution

Unveiling the culmination

The final product has been delivered within budget and on schedule, ready for launch in the client’s digital ecosystem.

By bringing intelligent automation into the equation, the client’s team has been able to slash the effort associated with additional content creation. Beyond these gains, the ML-enabled engine has helped the client meet their business goals.

More value from content

Noteworthy game moments are captured and reused

Better fan engagement

Both on new and existing platforms

Digital transformation initiated

Thanks to revamping conventional content creation workflows

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